Saturday, August 28, 2021


Ema Datshi is among the most famous dishes in Bhutanese cuisine, recognized as a national dish of Bhutan. It is made from hot chili peppers and cheese,”ema" means “Chili” and “Datshi" means “Cheese"  in the Dzongkha language of Bhutan.

Different varieties of chilies may be used-green chili, red chili, or white chili (green chili washed in hot water and sun-dried), which will be dried. The chilies are called “Ema" which is a Capsicum annuum cultivar, a form of pepper much like cayenne, poblano, ancho, or Anaheim. 

The cheese in ema datshi is homemade from the curd of cow or yak's milk. In the process, the fat is removed from the curd to make butter, and the remaining curd without fat is used to make the cheese. After the cheese is made, a watery liquid is left over, which is used as a soup that can be taken with rice. No part of the curd is wasted.

Chilli peppers are an essential ingredient to many global cuisines, and this is absolutely clear when it comes to Bhutanese cooking. Bhutanses cuisine incorporates a large number of different chili peppers, both fresh and dried.


1) Cayenne Chili ( Big chili/Small chili)

(Bhutanese long hot chilli peppers, botanically classified as Capsicum annuum, are an elongated)

2) Tomato,

3) Onion & Garlic,

4) Cheese (Datshi) & Swiss Cheese,

5) Small spoon of salt, (It depends on your taste)

6) Spoon of vegetable oil,

-   Cut the chilis into long and small pieces,

-   Cut tomato and onion in the small pieces,

-   Put all ingredients into the pot, 

-   Add small half cup of water,

-   Then cook for 1000 temperature for 7 minutes, 

-   After mix it well with all the ingredients and then it is ready to sever,

Solar may SAVE a lots,

It's random thought, We've been talking about solar and how it can eliminate ones electric bill for a while now. It could have been great if homeowners back home (Bhutan) get the chance to go solar without using their own money, while saving thousands at the same time.

Solar in Bhutan???

Solar may Save lots,


Shamu Ema Datshi is among the most famous dishes in Bhutanese cuisine, recognized as a national dish of Bhutan. It is made from hot chili peppers and cheese,”ema" means “Chili”, “Shamu” means mushroom and “Datshi" means “Cheese"  in the Dzongkha language of Bhutan.

Different varieties of chilies may be used-green chili, red chili, or white chili (green chili washed in hot water and sun-dried), which will be dried. The chilies are called “Ema" which is a Capsicum annuum cultivar, a form of pepper much like cayenne, poblano, ancho, or Anaheim. Shishi Shamu in Dzongkha language (Chanterelle Mushroom) cultivate from wild forest. Why cultivate the wild?  It sounds counterintuitive. Our ancestors altered landscapes and our human evolution when they decided to sow the seeds of wild plants instead of simply harvesting them. This act of cultivating the wild profoundly changed our world, and I believe that as an area of inquiry it can teach us a lot about our relationship to nature.

The cheese in ema datshi is homemade from the curd of cow or yak's milk. In the process, the fat is removed from the curd to make butter, and the remaining curd without fat is used to make the cheese. After the cheese is made, a watery liquid is left over, which is used as a soup that can be taken with rice. No part of the curd is wasted.

-Chilli peppers are an essential ingredient to many global cuisines, and this is absolutely clear when it comes to Bhutanese cooking. Bhutanses cuisine incorporates a large number of different chili peppers, both fresh and dried, though ...


1)Shishi Shamu (Chanterelle Mushroom)

2) Big green chilli,

3) Long Green thin Cayenne chilli,

(Bhutanese long hot chilli peppers, botanically classified as Capsicum annuum, are an elongated)

4) Cherry tomatoes, 

5) Garlic,

6)Cheese/datshi (Bhutanese Cheese)

-Put all Veg. together in the pot.

-Put some butter and salt

-And small amount of water

-Heating  temperature 1000,

Leave it for 10 minutes to cook

-Mix it well

-It’s ready!! Enjoy,